Dental Alements

Strategies to Improve Your Dental Practice's Online Presence

Learn the key areas that dental practices must focus on to rank in the top 5% of Google search results, which attract 95% of the free traffic.

While there may be nostalgia for the old days of phonebooks and landline phones, the reality is that technology has revolutionized how we seek healthcare.

As we move forward, understanding and mastering the modern dental buyer's journey is essential for success in 2023 and beyond.

In this digital age, it's not just about having a good bedside manner in person, but also about extending that approachability and relatability online.

Join us for this insightful discussion with Naren Arulrajah, an expert consultant in dental marketing, and learn how to build better connections with your future patients.

Topics in this episode (#72) include:

The Modern Dental Buyer's Journey
The Power of Google
Nostalgia and the Future
The Power of Videos
Answering Queries
Relatability is Key
Show Your Personal Side
Overcoming Age Barriers
and more!

During this episode, listeners will have the opportunity to gain insights on dental practice marketing from Naren Arulrajah, an expert consultant in dental marketing and CEO of Ekwa Marketing. With over 16 years of experience, Naren Arulrajah has established himself as a pioneer in digital marketing for dentists. And he will draw from his vast expertise to share practical marketing strategies for dental practices.

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